The Associated Students of Madison (ASM) is the official student governance body of UW-Madison, representing the needs of over 50,000 students. Students involved with ASM learn to be effective, engaged citizens who advocate for causes and for themselves. Because of ASM’s strong reliance on the energy of many students, you can really make a difference for campus, city, state, and national issues! Visit the links below for further information on current involvement opportunities. If you have questions, or aren’t sure where to start, please don’t hesitate to contact us at:
Would you like to learn more about ASM and meet students actively involved in the organization?
How do I get involved with ASM?
Run in the ASM Elections
ASM is now accepting Candidate Declaration Forms online for the Spring 2025 Elections, which will take place March 10 - 12, 2025. Applications must be completed and submitted by noon on Friday, February 14, 2025.

Appointed Positions
ASM appoints students to fill vacancies on Student Council and serve in paid positions on committees which allocate funds to student organizations. We are still accepting applications for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Shared Governance
Wisconsin law defines shared governance as giving students direct power to jointly run the university with administrators, faculty, and staff. Committees allow students to assist in creating policy. Apply now for the 2024-2025 academic year!

Volunteer on open committees
There are many opportunities to advocate for students on ASM's open committees. Volunteers usually attend weekly meetings, contribute to planning strategic campaigns, mobilize other students, and participate in activism activities.

Internship Program
If you’re looking to become more involved on campus, learn more about your student association, or advocate for issues with UW Administration, Madison City Council, or the WI State Legislature, you should consider applying for an internship.